
  • IEP Development and Review: help parents and guardians understand the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process, assist in developing and reviewing the IEP, and ensure it meets legal requirements and the child’s needs.

  • 504 Process: help parents and guardians understand the 504 process

  • Communication with Schools: facilitate communication between families and school personnel, helping to address concerns, negotiate services, and resolve conflicts.

  • Understanding Rights and Regulations: provide information about the legal rights of students with disabilities under laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

  • Educational Assessments: can assist in interpreting educational assessments and evaluations, ensuring that the child’s needs are accurately identified and addressed.

  • Resources: offer resources to help families better understand special education processes, their rights, and how to effectively advocate for their child.

  • Dispute Resolution: In cases where disputes arise, we can help resolve conflicts through mediation or, if necessary, assist in filing due process complaints or appeals.

* We are not attorneys and cannot offer legal services